The Fantastic Parade

Saturday, October 18, 2025 at 7:30 p.m.

Parade Information

There is NO raindate for the Fantastic Parade

You can find the list of Fantastic Parade Divisions here.

PLEASE NOTE: All parade participants must enter via Harrisburg Street or N. Second Street from Route 15 dependent upon your division designation. Specific instructions will be emailed to you upon your registration. All participants must be pre-registered. No last minute entries will be accepted.

You can find the entry form here and contact us for more information.

Clips from previous 2023 parade.





1)  MUST BE NO STOPPING along the route during the parade. Entries may pause briefly ‒ only while they are being announced ‒ but MAY NOT STOP TO PERFORM Stopping along the parade route, will result in disqualification from prizes.

2) Numbers must be obtained BEFORE parade time. All entrants must have a number attached to the right side of their person, float or vehicle to be eligible for prizes. All prizes are awarded by this number and entrants must COMPLETE the parade route to be eligible for prizes.

3) No children under 7 years of age will be permitted to march in the Fantastic Parade. However, children 6 years of age and under may ride on floats and vehicles.

4) Entries WILL NOT THROW any items to spectators or otherwise cause them to move into the parade route. You may have individuals walking the sides of the route and PASS OR HAND OUT items. No items can be distributed from a moving vehicle. CHILD SAFETY must be our first consideration.

5) MOTORIZED UNITS: all motor vehicles must be driven by licensed drivers. Must certify that all authorized motor vehicles are covered by liability insurance as provided by PA law.

6) Length of float not to exceed 35 feet

7) FARM TYPE UNITS must be operated by persons 14 years or older and are not permitted to wear any type of face coverings. All combinations of tractor and wagons or trailers must be secured with safety chains, heavy-duty type.

8) All small type tractors, lawn or garden, must have mower attachments removed. Operators must be 14 years or older. Operators are not permitted to wear any type of face coverings.

9) No self-propelled “trick” type vehicles permitted, including tractors or motorcycle, motor bikes, “mini-bikes”, etc.

10) Continuous blowing of loud horns or sirens is PROHIBITED.

11) Any business towing a float may have advertising on the CAB ONLY. If any other advertising appears on the float, it must go in the business section. Exceptions are youth and church organizations using a trailer from a business.

12) Participants MUST provide a means of clean-up if their entry includes an animal.

13) All dogs in the parade must be kept on leashes.

14) Saddled animal entries MUST include a copy of their liability insurance with their registration form

15) Nothing of controversial or obscene nature in any form will be permitted. All displays will be in good taste, suitable for families, show respect to other participants and contribute to the overall entertainment value of the parade.