2025 Farmers Fair

Mug Design Contest

Eligible designs must be hand-drawn and words handwritten on a 4”x4” square bright-white paper in black ink. The design must include the slogan “110th Annual Farmers Fair, 1915-2025, Dillsburg PA.” This year, the drawing contest will be for two different age groups. Group One is for ages 14 and younger and Group Two is for ages 15 years and older. Each group will have a winner. Winners will receive $100. Contestants must live within the Northern York County School District or have a Dillsburg address or phone number. Home school students are eligible. No more than 2 entries per person please. The contest starts May 4 and ends June 22. Entries should be submitted to Carl Shearer, 60 Shearer Drive, Dillsburg PA 17019.

For more information call 717-432-3106.

2025 Farmers Fair

Poster Design Contest

The Farmers Fair Committee is sponsoring a contest for anyone who wants to show their graphic design talent. Just design a poster that promotes this year's Dillsburg Farmers Fair. The Dillsburg Farmers Fair committee will judge the posters based on design and layout, use of color, theme, clear message, creativity and neatness. The poster must promote the 110th Annual Dillsburg Farmers Fair, Oct 13-18, 2025 event. The challenge is to convey the fun and excitement of Farmers Fair in a way that is interesting and to the point.  The Adult Division is for ages 15 years and older and the Junior Division is for ages 14 and younger! Entries can be submitted June 1 - August 31. See rules below.

Adult Division Prizes:

First Place $150

Second Place $100

Third Place $75

Junior Division Prizes :

First Place $100

Second Place $50

Third Place $25


1. Anyone can enter.  

2. Poster must be in color.  

3. Must be original work.  

4. Posters must be 11 inches wide x 18 inches tall.  

5. Can be done on the computer or hand drawn.  

6. Do not use copyrighted items.  

7. Poster must include Farmers Fair Website address www.dillsburgfarmersfair.org and clearly indicate dates of the Fair.  

8. We do not use an apostrophe in Farmers Fair. An argument can be made that we should, but we probably are not going to start now after 109 years. So do not put an apostrophe in Farmers Fair!  

All entries must be submitted by August 31st and dropped off at MANEtenance Barber Shop, at 14 S. Baltimore St, Dillsburg or to Paul Tucker, 617 South Mountain Road, Dillsburg, Pa 17019. Questions about the contest should be directed to Paul Tucker at pandktucker@comcast.net or (717) 648-2971. Here are some examples of some of our fine past entries!